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Monday, 28 February 2022
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What is Veto Power ?
What is Veto Power ?
What is Veto Power ?
One of the traditional functions of the presidential veto power is to protect the public against legislation that is blatantly unconstitutional or that has not been enacted in accordance with the proper constitutional procedure.
Veto power means that if any one of the permanent member states casts a negative vote in a pending UNSC decision, the resolution cannot be approved
આજે અમેરિકાએ રશિયા વિરુદ્ધ UNSC માં પ્રસ્તાવ લાવ્યો એવા સમાચાર આવ્યા. ભારતે રશિયા સાથેની જુની ભાઈબંધી નિભાવતાં આ પ્રસ્તાવના સમર્થનમાં વોટ ના કર્યું.. ચીન અને UAE એ પણ તેમાં વોટ ન કર્યું. 11 દેશોએ આ પ્રસ્તાવનું સમર્થન કર્યું.
વીટો પાવર કેવી રીતે આપવામાં આવે છે?
UN ચાર્ટર આર્ટિકલ 27(3) જણાવે છે કે બિન-પ્રક્રિયાકીય બાબતો પર સુરક્ષા પરિષદમાં મત “સ્થાયી સભ્યોના સહમત મતો સહિત નવ સભ્યોના હકારાત્મક મત દ્વારા કરવામાં આવશે”– આને ઘણીવાર કાયમી વીટો પાવર કહેવામાં આવે છે.
15 માંથી 11 દેશોનું સમર્થન હોવા છતાં પ્રસ્તાવ નામંજૂર થયો..
કેમ(why) ?
થોડીક જાણકારી માટે આ નાનકડી પોસ્ટ મુકુ છુ..
UN અને UNSC ને વાંચકો સરળતાથી સમજી શકે એ જ હેતુ છે.
UN એટલે United Nations (UN).. જેની સ્થાપના બીજા વિશ્વયુદ્ધ પછી તરત જ કરવામાં આવી.. ભવિષ્યમાં આવાં ખતરનાક મોટાં યુદ્ધો ના થાય અને વિશ્વમાં શાંતિ જળવાઈ રહે તેવા હેતુથી ૨૪ ઓક્ટોબર ૧૯૪૫ ના રોજ કરવામાં આવી. સ્થાપનાના સમયે કુલ 51 દેશ તેના સભ્ય હતા જેની સંખ્યા હવે 193 છે. એટલે કે વિશ્વના તમામે તમામ દેશો UN માં સામેલ છે.
આ જ UN ની એક UNSC નામની કાઉન્સિલ છે.. જે વિશ્વની સુરક્ષા માટે UN નું પ્રતિનિધિત્વ કરે છે. આ UNSC માં કુલ 5 પરમાનેન્ટ અને 10 નોન- પરમાનેન્ટ એમ કુલ મળીને 15 દેશો છે.
આ 15 દેશોની કાઉન્સિલનો કોઈ પણ નિર્ણય વિશ્વના તમામે તમામ 193 દેશોએ માન્ય રાખવો પડે છે.
ઉદાહરણ :-
રશિયાએ યુક્રેન પર આક્રમણ કર્યું. યુક્રેને UNSC માં મદદ માંગી કે રશિયાથી અમને બચાવો અથવા તો તેની સામે લડવામાં અમને સાથ આપો. UNSC ના મોટાભાગના દેશોને લાગ્યું કે વાત તો સાચી છે આપણે યુક્રેન ને મદદ કરવી જોઈએ. એટલે રશિયાને રોકવા માટે UNSC ના જ સભ્ય અમેરિકાએ પ્રસ્તાવ લાવ્યો. જો એ પ્રસ્તાવ પસાર થઈ જાય તો રશિયાએ રોકાવું જ પડે અને જો ના રોકાય તો UN ના દેશોની સેના રશિયા વિરુદ્ધ યુદ્ધ કરવા તૈયાર થઈ જાય…. UN એટલે આખું વિશ્વ. અને કોઈ પણ દેશ સમગ્ર વિશ્વ સામે યુદ્ધ ના લડી શકે..
પરંતુ આપણે જોયું કે આ UNSC નો પ્રસ્તાવ મંજુર થયો જ નહિં..
UNSC નો પ્રસ્તાવને મંજુર કે નામંજુર કોણ અને કેવી રીતે કરે છે?
આ પ્રસ્તાવ મંજુર કે નામંજૂર કરવાની સત્તા UNSC ના 15 સભ્યદેશો પાસે જ છે.
15 દેશમાંથી 5 કાયમી સ્થાયી સભ્યો છે અને 10 અસ્થાયી સભ્યો છે.
સામાન્ય સંજોગોમાં જો વીટો પાવર ના વપરાય તો જે બાજુ બહુમતી હોય તે મુજબ પ્રસ્તાવ મંજુર કે નામંજુર થતો હોય છે.
પરંતુ 15 માંથી 5 દેશ જે કાયમી સભ્યપદ ધરાવે છે તેમની પાસે વીટો પાવર હોય છે. આ વીટોપાવર એ મોટી શક્તિ છે. વીટો પાવરવાળો પાંચમાંથી કોઈ પણ દેશ પોતાનો વીટો વાપરીને કોઈ પણ પ્રસ્તાવને ફગાવી શકે છે.
Which country has veto power?
The United Nations Security Council “veto power” is the power of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) to veto any “substantive” resolution.
પ્રસ્તાવના સમર્થનમાં ભલે 14 દેશ હોય ને વિરોધમાં 1 જ દેશ હોય તો પણ તે 1 દેશ જો વીટોપાવર ધરાવતો હોય અને તે પ્રસ્તાવને નામંજુરી આપે તો તે નિર્ણય બધાએ માન્ય રાખવો પડે છે. આ વીટોપાવર ધરાવતા કુલ પાંચ દેશ આ મુજબ છે. અને આ દેશો કાયમી માટે સભ્ય છે તેમને કોઈ UNSC માંથી કાઢી શકતુ નથી.
1:- અમેરિકા
2:- રશિયા
3:- ચીન
4:- યુનાઇટેડ કિંગડમ(બ્રિટન)
5:- ફ્રાંસ
બીજા દસ(10) દેશ છે તે UNSC ના અસ્થાયી સભ્યો છે. જેમને UNSCમાંથી અંદર બહાર કરી શકાય છે. વર્તમાન અસ્થાયી સભ્યદેશો નીચે મુજબ છે.
1:- અલ્બેનિયા
2:- બ્રાઝિલ
3:- ગાબોન
4:- ઘાના
5:- ભારત
6:- આયર્લેંડ
7:- કેન્યા
8:- મેક્સિકો
9:- નોર્વે
10:- યુનાઇટેડ આરબ અમીરાત
ઉપરના ઉદાહરણને આગળ સમજીએ તો અમેરિકાએ જે પ્રસ્તાવ લાવ્યો તેનું સમર્થન UNSC ના ૧૧ દેશોએ કર્યું. ભારત, ચીન અને યુનાઇટેડ આરબ અમીરાતે વોટ જ ના કર્યું. અને છેલ્લે રશિયાએ તે પ્રસ્તાવને પોતાનો વીટોપાવર વાપરી એક જ ધડાકે ઉડાડી દીધો. જો વોટ નહિં કરવાવાળા દેશોએ અમેરિકાના પ્રસ્તાવને ટેકો આપ્યો હોત તો પણ રશિયા તે પ્રસ્તાવ મંજુર ના થવા દેત. કેમ કે વીટો પાવર ધરાવનાર દેશ પાસે એવો પાવર છે કે તે એકલો દેશ પણ UNSC ના કોઈ પણ પ્રસ્તાવને નામંજૂર કરી શકે છે..
ભારત આ સ્થાયી-સભ્યપદ મેળવવા માટે ખૂબ જ પ્રયત્નો કરે છે. મોટાભાગના દેશો ભારતને સમર્થન પણ આપે છે પરંતુ ચીન પોતાનો વીટો વાપરીને ભારતને UNSC માં કાયમી સ્થાયી સભ્ય થવા દેતું નથી. અને એટલે જ આપણે વીટોપાવર બની શકતા નથી.
નોંધ :- ઉપરોક્ત માહિતી વિવિધ સોશિયલ મીડિયા અને વિવિધ ન્યુઝ હાઉસનો સંદર્ભ તરીકે ઉપયોગ કરેલ છે.
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Sunday, 27 February 2022
A 13-year-old boy named Shivam Thakor delivered a bag full of 14 tola gold jewelery to the original owner :
A 13-year-old boy named Shivam Thakor delivered a bag full of 14 tola gold jewelery to the original owner :
શિવમે તેને રસ્તામાંથી મળેલી સોનાના દાગીના ભરેલી બેગ પોતાના ઘરે જઈ માતા-પિતાને સોંપી હતી અને તેને આ બેગ કેવી રીતે મળી તેની માતા-પિતાને માહિતી આપી હતી. જો કે આ થેલીના દાગીના જોઈ પરિવાર મૂળ માલિકને પરત કેવી રીતે કરવા તેને લઈ ચિંતામાં મુકાયો હતો.
કહેવાય છે કે પ્રામાણિકતાના સંસ્કારોનું સિંચન પરિવારમાંથી જ મળે છે. મહેસાણા (Mehsana)ના એક 13 વર્ષના બાળક (13 Year old Boy)શિવમ ઠાકોરે પણ માતા-પિતા પાસેથી મળેલા સંસ્કારોને દીપાવ્યા છે. મહેસાણામાં રહેતા શિવમ ઠાકોરને રસ્તા પરથી 14 તોલા સોનાના દાગીના (Gold ornaments bag)ભરેલી બેગ મળી. જે બાળક અને તેના પરિવારના પ્રયાસથી તેના મૂળ માલિકને પરત મળી છે.
મહેસાણામાંની ગોકુલધામ રેસીડેન્સીમાં રહેતા 13 વર્ષના બાલક શિવમ ઠાકોરે તેની પ્રામાણિકતાને મહેકાવી છે. શિવમ ઠાકોરને રસ્તા પરથી 14 તોલા સોનાના દાગીના ભરેલી બેગ મળી હતી. જેને તેણે પોતાના માતા-પિતા સાથે મળીને તેના મૂળ માલિક સુધી પહોંચાડી છે. શિવમે તેને રસ્તામાંથી મળેલી સોનાના દાગીના ભરેલી બેગ પોતાના ઘરે જઈ માતા-પિતાને સોંપી હતી અને તેને આ બેગ કેવી રીતે મળી તેની માતા-પિતાને માહિતી આપી હતી. જો કે આ થેલીના દાગીના જોઈ પરિવાર મૂળ માલિકને પરત કેવી રીતે કરવા તેને લઈ ચિંતામાં મુકાયો હતો. આ વિમાસણ પરિવારમાં ત્રણ દિવસ ચાલી. જે બાદ એક સ્થાનિક સમાચારપત્રના આધારે શિવમ ઠાકોરને પિતાને દાગીનાના મૂળ માલિક ધીણોજ ગામના રણછોડ ચૌધરી હોવાની જાણકારી મળી. જેના આધારે શિવમ અને તેના પિતા મહેસાણા બી. ડિવિઝન પોલીસ સ્ટેશને પહોંચ્યા અને મૂળ માલિકને 14 તોલા સોનાના દાગીના પરત કર્યા.
પોતાના દાગીના પરત મળતા ધીણોજના રણછોડભાઈ ચૌધરી 13 વર્ષીય શિવમ ઠાકોરની ઈમાનદારીથી પ્રભાવિત થયા. જેથી રણછોડભાઈ ચૌધરીએ ધોરણ 7માં ભણતા શિવમની ધોરણ 10 સુધીનો અભ્યાસ, રહેવા-જમવાનો ખર્ચ ઉઠાવવાની જાહેરાત કરી. રણછોડભાઈ ચૌધરી શિવમની ઈમાનદારીના ઈનામ પેટે પોતાના છાત્રાલયમાં રાખી મફત આગળ શિક્ષણ આપવાનું નક્કી કર્યું છે.
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Saturday, 26 February 2022
Mission smile yojana for children
Mission smile yojana for children
Mission smile yojana for children
Right to Education Jarnashia Abhiyan said that from this village Gujarat School Education Council State Project Director's Office, Samagra Shiksha, Sector-12, Gandhinagar, PIN-2018, Phone, 07-217 Email: aspdssagui@gmail.com Toll Free Na. 1800-233-7965 wok wel Jayashree Devangan, IAS AD. State Project Director Aam Shiksha, Gujarat, Number: Samagra Shiksha ASPD / 309 ~ ૭૨૨૩ dated 6.05.203, District Education Officer / Dvikar), District Project Coordinator and District Education Officer's Office, District Primary Education Officer, Dist. All Dist. All === Subject: Free Surgery on Children's Cut Lips and Cut Palate (Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate and other facial deformitles).
According to the above subject, free surgery is performed on the cleft lip and cleft palate and other facial deformities of children under 'Mission Smile' by Vadodara Central, Sarabhai Campus, Vadodara, behind Isha Hospital, Atlantis. For this, a camp has been organized for free pediatric surgery at the above hospital from 15th March 209 to 15th March 206 this year.
So the list of children studying in the schools of your district who have left lip or cleft palate surgery or need more corrective surgery even after having this type of operation before is obtained by the school teachers from the head teachers. All BRCs to be sent to this hospital by the co-ordinator. / C.R.C. Sp, educators and teachers of IEDSS are also requested to make necessary arrangements through them and disseminate through social media (WhatsApp etc.) to inform all the needy children and parents about this matter.
For more information contact Dr. at Isha Hospital. Please contact Varun Ramchandra (Mo. 2060, email drvarun_r@yahoo.com). J an Z [+3) Ter (Jayshree Dewangan) Complimentary information to send copy: 1. Hon. State Project Director, Head Office [11] 5} NCERT Copy sent: 1. Deputy Director, R.M.S.A. , Total Education, Head Office 2. District IED Co-ordinator, all ... to do all the planning on the above matter as well as all the sp. Good to associate educators and teachers of IEDSS and 555 swamina seva apo
For more details click here
Friday, 25 February 2022
Primary Teacher Path Darshika Accurate answer to administrative questions in a single PDF
Primary Teacher Path Darshika Accurate answer to administrative questions in a single PDF

Primary Teacher Path Darshika
and Ja is that the country has not lost 1 who sang this ein and different pages even if the people are still talking, that's why on the day of Kanye Mehmbar in Ko, poets, informants, letter issuance, using measurement key language The struggle of the country began to be seen in Ehma, equality in the thoughts of all, Thai law was united to oppose the British rule, Tha Anne Parina, came into our hands ....
The great men of our country were told that they are only interested in the practice of developing the Hindi language in the country's independence.
The country will be given independence. Rani is a contributor to the Hindi language. That is why as a citizen of the country and in a very destructive way I have saluted him, Zumpark: Sarva Vidyalaya, Kerry, Dist. Mehsana, you are a teacher ... don't worry, don't worry, be weak or not; Not rich but big of heart, living by leaven; You are the creator of Navbharat, the inhabitant of Janmamandir. Which in India adorns a teacher's presidency;
The fragrance of your holy path shakes the Father of the Nation; Gurudev like Tagore is awakened by Saint Vinoba Bhave, Lokmanya Sam Ko Nar Virla, Krantijyot. Why are you so shy, bring less in mind? - No. A Poonam has been claiming your karmadharma for centuries; Shakti from age to age - fights the confluence of devotion. On the second Tuesday, the fifth of September strikes the mind.
The people of the country are celebrating ‘Shia Kadin’. Natan's actor gives you a reason. To. Millions of lambs show the right wing cult; Kaya to d jaat nichovi, shandeep pragtave; No doctor, no lawyer, no big businessman; Shraddha thi har dum val chari unnat rish mare janm mav palmer prani, tu inann mare. Story 27 Finding my destiny has given me a more stupid mantra of 'What a God'. Gandhiji September - October, 2020
Primary Teacher Path Darshika PDFclick here to download
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How to pay credit card bill,RentPay & Education Fees using cred app
Read along app
Read along app
Have fun as you learn to read English & more with the magic of your voice
Read Along (formerly Bolo) is a free and fun speech based reading tutor app designed for children aged 5 and above.
It helps them improve their reading skills in English and many other languages (Hindi, Bangla, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, Spanish & Portuguese) by encouraging them to read aloud interesting stories and collect stars and badges together with "Diya", the friendly in app assistant.
Diya listens to children when they read and offers realtime positive feedback when they read well and helps them out when they get stuck - even when offline & without data!
• Works Offline : Once downloaded, it works offline, so it does not use any data.
• Safe : Since the app is made for children, there are no ads, and all sensitive information stays only on the device.
• Free: The app is completly free to use and has a vast library of books with different reading levels from Pratham Books, Katha Kids & Chhota Bheem, with new books added regularly.
• Games: Educational games within the app, make the learning experience fun.
• In-App Reading Assistant: Diya, the in-app reading assistant helps children read out loud and provides positive reinforcement when they read correctly, and help wherever they get stuck.
• Multi Child Profile: Multiple children can use the same app and create their individual profiles to track their own progress.
• Personalised: The app recommends the right level of difficulty books to each child depending on their reading level
Languages available :
With Read Along, children can read a variety of fun and engaging stories in different languages including:
• English
• Hindi (हिंदी)
• Bangla (বাংলা)
• Urdu (اردو)
• Telugu (తెలుగు)
• Marathi (मराठी)
• Tamil (தமிழ்)
• Spanish (Español)
• Portuguese (Português)
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Thursday, 24 February 2022
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Std 10 & 12 time table
My photo phone dialer app
Make your dialer screen a lot of special together with your ikon and live background
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🔥The decision screen themes and caller screen show and contacts dialer it's dialers for golem fully screen photos. this can be decision screen theme slide additionally decision theme changer for decision themes for golem and get in touch with ikons and get in touch with image and dialpad is phone case maker set ikon on phone photo and sensible dialer.
🔥Customize it the method you would like it and stop victimization the boring phone's line dial pads. we've got provided all the dialing options during this ikon dialer. There area unit decision logs, contacts, dial pad with ikon of your alternative and settings to customise it the method you would like it to.
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🔥Photo phone, decision my ikon associate dialer app that helps you replace the monotonous dial screen, custom range keyboard.
🔥Photo dialer embody search contact, show history decision, goto contact detail, speed dial.
💥💥Request permissions💥💥
Here we tend to make a case for all vital permissions that our app requests. These permissions area unit necessary for our app to perform bound options.
👉Receive incoming decision and method outgoing decision there permissions want for default dialer application
👉Read, write decision log search decision log, show recent calls
ધોરણ 10 અને 12 બોર્ડ પરીક્ષા ટાઇમ ટેબલ ડાઉનલોડ કરો
👉Directly decision phone numbers: this permission permits users to form calls quickly and simply by the phone button on the chat page
અરસ પરસ બદલી ફોર્મ
જિલાફેર અરસ પરસ અરજી કોરો નમુનો
હાજર અને છુટા કરવાનો રીર્પોટ
શાળાનો ચાર્જ લેવાનું ફોર્મ
ચાર્જ સોપણી દફતરો
અરસ પરસ બદલી ફોર્મ, જીલ્લા માં જવાની અરજી,
બાહેંધરી ફોર્મ,
શાળાનો દાખલો, પ્રમાણપત્ર,
સંમતિ પત્રક
બેન થયેલ ચાઈનીઝ એપ લીસ્ટ અહીંથી જુઓ
👉Read your contacts: this permission permits Color SMS to induce the contacts of the messages and opt for contacts once users produce a brand new message.
👉Take footage and videos / Record audio: These permissions work for the feature MMS once you need to send a photograph or audio to others.
💥💥Default SMS application permission💥💥
👉 what's dialer default application
The Default Dialer application is associate application that has complete management over events associated with incoming and outgoing calls. permit to just accept or reject associate incoming decision. additionally, the appliance has access to many different elements like decision history, build a decision to variety mere by the user.
સરકારી કર્મચારીઓ માટે નવા અધિનિયમ પગાર તેમજ કામ ના કલાક બાબત લેટેસ્ટ ન્યુઝ
👉 what's default dialer application
My ikon phone is largely associate application that permits to handle incoming calls and dial variety. Therefore, the appliance has to be selected because the default dialer application to be ready to perform basic functions like causing and receiving calls.
Click here for download application
I will use My ikon phone while not default dialer permission. All call-related options can close up if the appliance is not any longer the default dialer application
Wednesday, 23 February 2022
Old Pension Yojana
ntil June 2004, Nigeria had operated particularly in the public sector, a defined benefit pension scheme, which was largely unfunded and non-contributory. The system was characterized as pay-as-you-go (PAYG) scheme since retirees were to be supported not by their previous contributions but annual budgetary provisions thus the massive accumulation of pension debt, which was estimated at more than one trillion naira.
Following the apparent collapse of the public sector pension scheme, as evidenced by the thousands if not millions of poor, embittered retirees produced over the years and an equally large number of short-changed private sector workers, the government of Nigeria acted wisely to reform the system with the Pension Act in 2004.
The coming into force of the Pension Reform Act in 2004 has been hailed as a highly workable solution to the issue of pension, which for most employees today, remains the likely source of income in their retirement years.
The new pension scheme came to replace the previous defined benefit scheme. The new scheme is defined contribution scheme, which is contributory in nature, making it mandatory on employers and workers (in the public sector and private sector organization with five or more employees) to contribute 7.5% each of the emoluments of the employee into a Retirement Savings Account (RSA).However, for the military, the contribution rate is 2.5% with the government contributing 12.5%.
Under the old defined benefit scheme, no contributions were made, and projections were required to be made of the pension entitlements of each employee by the employer, with such projections being determined by the employee's years of service and earnings. Thus, the obligations are effectively the debt obligation of the employer, which assumes the risk of having insufficient funds to satisfy the contractual payments that must be made to retired employees.
However, under the defined contribution scheme, the employer is responsible only for making specific contributions on behalf of qualifying participants. However, the employer does not guarantee any certain amount in retirement. The payment that will be made to qualifying participants upon retirement will depend on the growth of the scheme assets. The main objective of the scheme is to accumulate enough funds to ensure regular monthly payments to the contributor after he or she retires.
A contributor has the option to either buy an annuity from an insurer or draw direct payment from his Retirement Savings Account (RSA) balance to an insurer in exchange for a guaranteed monthly or quarterly payment for an agreed period; this could be risky in that such payment could stop when the retiree dies.
On the other hand, you can have an arrangement for programmed withdrawals from your Retirement Savings Account (RSA), which could guarantee life long payment and a lump payment to a contributor's survivors in case of death before the funds run out. The scheme also gives allowance for bulk payment to enable a retiree buy a house or start a business provided the balance on the contributor's Retirement Savings Account (RSA) could fund a monthly payment for the rest of the contributor's life that is not less than half of the contributor's last salary.
For example, if your total contribution to a RSA amount to N20,000 per month for a period of 20years at an average annual return of 10% and life after retirement is envisaged to be 25years.You would have accumulated about N15,000,000 and this entitles you to a monthly payment of about N138,000 for that period.
જૂની પેન્શન યોજના ફરી લાગુ કરવા બાબત નો સંઘનો લેટર👇
Let us assume you now retire with a monthly final salary of N150, 000 and wants a lump sum payment, which means, you will need to provide for a monthly retirement benefit of N75, 000, you can therefore take a lump sum of N12.9 million or retirement based on funds accumulated.
However, for a person who stars out early to contribute the same amount for 40years at the same rate of returns would have accumulated N126 million in his or her RSA and would be entitle to a monthly payment of N1.1 million.
Since the defined contribution scheme encourages labour market flexibility, the worker is free to move with his or her account as he or she moves to another place of employment and or residence. Finally, the direct contribution scheme is believe to have the potential to generate positive economic externalities, including the promotion of deeper, more competitive, and more liquid financial market.
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Gujarat Board Exam Time Table 2022 | GSEB 10th and 12th Time Table 2022
Gujarat Board Exam Time Table 2022 | GSEB 10th and 12th Time Table 2022
Date of standard 10-12 examination announced, the examination will be held from 28th March to 12th April
Gujarat Board Time Exam Table 2022 | GSEB 10th and 12th Time Table 2022 :Gujarat State Government has recently allowed reopening of schools for Class 10 and Class 12 from 28 march to 12 April 2022, onwards. Students can take a look at the important dates for Gujarat Board 10TH,12th exam 2022 from the table below. All those partakers who are awaiting GSEB HSC Time Table 2022, your wait comes to an end folks. Yes, you heard that right! You’ all must be going through a plethora of thoughts triggered by stress and anxiety. Quite obvious
Some of you may be baffled at the vast lengthy syllabus you need to grasp and end up being in jumble state of mind. Fret not! We got ya covered, our sole aim behind this post is to provide you with complete details regarding GSEB SSC HSC time table 2022.
GSEB SSC -HSC Time Table 2022
It’s good for you to start off the preparation right away as you all know board’s exam is the most important exam in student’s life. The Gujarat Board conducts the examination for standard 12th every year and lakhs of students appear for the examination. And all these students want to download their GSEB 10TH,12th Class Exam Schedule 2022 as published. Time Table for an examination is a very important documents and GSEB upload it on the official web portal.
Go through the complete details provided in this post to learn the to official exam dates, timings and important instructions. Gujrat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board is abbreviated as GSEB.
સત્રાંત પરીક્ષા કાર્યક્રમ વાંચવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો
GSEB SSC HSC Exam Date 2022
GSEB is the Board responsible for taking care of the higher secondary and secondary education system within the state. Under this responsible role, GSEB organizes Class 10 and Class 12 examination every year with more than 10 lakh students as applicants of these examinations. Gujarat Secondary Education Board (GSEB) has released the exam dates for the Secondary & Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Examination for the year 2022. The examinations will take place from 28 March to 12 April 2022 Best of Luck:)
How to Download GSEB SSC HSC Time Table 2022?
The candidates should download the time table as it contains various useful information like exam dates, timings, exam days, subject names, and other useful information. Therefore, we are providing some simple steps that can help you in downloading the time table from the official website:
Go to the official website of the board.
To do so, you can refer to the link given on the page above.
Once, you do this, you will reach the homepage of the website.
Here, you can find different links available on the page.
Click on the link of Gujarat board SSC HSC time table 2022
Then you can see the time table available in the pdf format.
Check it and download it.
At last, take the printout of it for further use.
This year the number of students for Std. 12 Science Board Examination has decreased a lot. Approximately more than one lakh students will be taken for Practical Examination and after Practical Examination, the main public Board Examination of Theory will start from 8th March. Earlier, the practical examination was to be held from February 15 to February 6 and the board examination of theory was to be held from March 15 to March 30. The government had changed the dates of board exams for Corona.
Important Link
Download Exam Time Table Here
PPF Account Benefits: Know what is the advantage and disadvantage||Online PPF Account Opening Process ||PPF Interest Calculator
PPF Account Benefits: Know what is the advantage and disadvantage||Online PPF Account Opening Process ||PPF Interest Calculator
What is PPF Public Provident Fund Account: PPF Account Benefits: Friends, in the tax saving and savings schemes run by the Government of India, PPF i.e. Public Provident Fund! The most important saving and tax saving scheme is in this scheme as well! You are also given a complete guarantee of the security of the money deposited by you from the government. Interest is given to you under this scheme at the rate of 7.1%.PPF Account Benefits: Any Indian citizen can get the benefit of this savings and investment scheme of the government. Friends, if we talk about the interest rate, then with PPF account you can get better and better returns than bank fixed deposits. Opening this account and depositing money in it is completely voluntary. ppf The account also gives you tax exemption under section 80C of the Income Tax Act.
PPF Account Benefits: The entire responsibility of the implementation of this account lies with the Government of India. And the interest received on this account is also given to you by the Government of India. PPF account account can be opened with the help of bank or post office. PPF by Govt. Completely exempted from tax! That is, you do not have to pay any kind of tax on the withdrawal made from it.
રાજસ્થાન 2004 પછીના ને પણ માં જૂની પેન્શન યોજના લાગુ માટે અહી ક્લિક કરો
ppf Benefits Of PPF Account : PPF Account Benefits: Friends, if you talk about the benefits ie benefits from PPF account, then this investment scheme is a much better scheme! This is the reason why people invest heavily in this scheme. Because this scheme provides you many other benefits apart from giving you income tax exemption which are as follows!
Benefits Of PPF Account : PPF Account Benefits:
PPF by the government. Guaranteed return on investment is assured under the scheme! Therefore this scheme is safe from the point of view of investment and security. Under this scheme, interest is given to you at the rate of 7.1% on the basis of compound interest. Which gives you better interest on your total deposits under this savings and investment scheme.
Investors are eligible to withdraw funds from PPF account in case of emergency. PPF Account Benefits: Under the scheme, all investors can get the benefit of exemption up to 1.50 lakh under section 80C of the Income Tax Act 1961. Interest is calculated after the 5th of every month under the scheme. If the investor keeps on contributing to the contribution made by him before this fixed date, then his profit keeps on increasing. All the members of a family whether they are employed or businessmen can open their PPF account.
If parents want, they can also open PPF account for their children. After which the account will have to be operated by the guardians or legal parents till the child becomes a child. PPF Account Benefits: This scheme is very beneficial for low and medium income group. Because the minimum annual investment and maximum annual investment under this scheme is between Rs 500 to 1.50 lakh!
This scheme encourages small savings and investments. So that enough opportunities for saving and investment can be made available to the people. More than one person can be appointed as a nominee under the account. Provided that it is mandatory to give the details of the nominee in this regard.
Features of PPF Public Provident Fund Account:
PPF Account Benefits: Friends, if we talk about the features and benefits of PPF Public Provident Fund Account, then PPF is the most popular government scheme from investment point of view! Under this scheme, you are given compound interest on your investment by the government at the rate of 7.1%. This is the most important feature of PPF account! That it does not matter the age limit or whether you do a job or business! This account can be opened by you very easily!
Key Features of PPF Account: Long Term Investment:
PPF ie Public Provident Fund is a long term investment plan. If we talk about withdrawal, then withdrawal from PPF account can be done only after the completion of 15 years. Its total maturity period is 15 years. Later, if you want, after the completion of 15 years, you can extend it for another 5 years. Under this, premature withdrawal of money is allowed only in situations like emergency and emergency.
PPF पर इंटरेस्ट रेट : PPF पर 7.1% की दर से चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज दिया जाता है ! पी.पी.एफ. बैलेंस पर हर माह ब्याज की गणना की जाती है ! और प्रत्येक वित्तीय वर्ष के अंत में कुल ब्याज अकाउंट होल्डर के पी.पी.एफ. खाते में जमा कर दिया जाता है ! सरकार द्वारा प्रत्येक तिमाही के लिए ब्याज दरों की घोषणा की जाती है ! हर महीने, ब्याज राशि की कैल्कुलेशन हर महीने की 5 तारीख के बाद, महीने के आखिरी दिन तक के सबसे कम PPF बैलेंस पर की जाती है ! इसलिए, सभी PPF निवेशकों को प्रत्येक माह की 5 तारीख से पहले अपने PPF खाते में धनराशि ! (अंशदान) को जमा यानी की कॉन्ट्रीब्यूशन करने की सलाह दी जाती है ! जिससे कि जमाकर्ताओं को अधिक लाभ प्राप्त हो सके !
निवेश अंशदान की लिमिट : निवेश की दृष्टि से PPF सभी वर्ग के लिए बेहतर विकल्प है ! इसकी सबसे बड़ी खासियत यह है कि कम आय अर्जित करने वाला व्यक्ति भी इसके अंतर्गत निवेश शुरू कर के लाभ प्राप्त कर सकता है ! पब्लिक प्रोविडेंट फंड के अंतर्गत न्यूनतम वार्षिक अंशदान 500 रूपये से लेकर 1.5 लाख रूपये तक हो सकता है !
PPF Public Provident Fund Account की अन्य विशेषताएं :
टैक्स का प्रावधान : PPF सरकार द्वारा आय पर लगाये जाने वाले आयकर यानी कि टैक्स में छूट तो देता ही देता है ! इसके साथ ही साथ इस स्कीम के अंतर्गत लाभार्थियों को कुल जमा किये गए मूलधन और कुल प्राप्त ब्याज ! यानी कि टोटल मेच्योरिटी अमाउंट पर ब्याज नहीं देना पड़ता है !
पी.पी.एफ लोन : अन्य बचत एवं निवेश योजनाओं जैसे कि सुकन्या समृद्धि योजना ! इत्यादि पर लोन की सुविधा उपलब्ध नहीं है ! मगर PPF पर आप लोन की सुविधा का लाभ प्राप्त कर सकते हैं ! पी.पी.एफ. अकाउंट के तीन वर्ष पूरे हो जाने पर तीन वर्ष से छः वर्ष के अंतराल के मध्य अकाउंट में उपलब्ध ! कुल धनराशि के लगभग 25% हिस्से तक का लोन बैंक द्वारा लोन लिया जा सकता है !
नाबालिकों के लिये PPF : अभिभावकों द्वारा नाबालिकों के लिए PPF अकाउंट खुलवाकर उसका संचालन किया जा सकता है ! जब तक वह बालिक यानी कि 18 वर्ष की उम्र न पूरी कर ले !
अकाउंट की सीमा : पी.पी.एफ.अकाउंट के लिये कोई भी सीमा निर्धारित नहीं की गयी है एक परिवार में कितने ही PPF अकाउंट खोले जा सकते हैं ! मगर प्रत्येक अकाउंट के अंतर्गत अधिकतम 1.5 लाख रूपये का वार्षिक निवेश किया जा सकता है !
मीडिएटर की भूमिका : बैंक इस स्कीम के तहत केवल मध्यस्थता यानी की मीडिएटर की भूमिका अदा करते हैं ! इस योजना के तहत आप जो भी धनराशि खाते में जमा करते हैं ! उस धनराशि से सीधा सम्बन्ध सरकार का होता है न कि बैंकों का !
पी.पी.एफ. अकाउंट के लिए जरुरी दस्तावेज :
Documents Required For PPF Account : PPF खाता खोलते समय आपको निम्नलिखित दस्तावेजों की आवश्यकता पड़ती है ! अकाउंट खोलने के लिये दिये गए दस्तावेजों की लिस्ट निम्नलिखित है !
Self Identity Documents : Aadhar Card, Voter ID Card, Driving License.
PPF Application Form (Form A)
PAN Card
Passport Size Photograph
Nominee Form (Form E)
ऑनलाइन पी.पी.एफ. अकाउंट कैसे खोलें आवेदन प्रक्रिया :
Online PPF Account Opening Process : भारत सरकार द्वारा पी.पी.एफ. अकाउंट खोलने के लिये कई सारे बैंक अधिकृत किये गये हैं ! इसके अलावा आप पोस्ट ऑफिस के माध्यम से भी अपना पी.पी.एफ. अकाउंट खोल सकते हैं ! अकाउंट खोलने के लिए आपको दो विकल्प मिल जाते हैं ऑनलाइन और ऑफलाइन !
ऑफलाइन आवेदन के लिए आपको अपने निकटतम बैंक ब्रांच विजिट करना पड़ेगा जहाँ से आप अकाउंट ओपनिंग फॉर्म प्राप्त कर के ! अपना पी.पी.एफ. अकाउंट खोलने के लिए आवेदन कर सकते है ! ऑनलाइन PPF अकाउंट खोलने के लिये अगर आप पी.पी.एफ. के अंतर्गत सरकार द्वारा अधिकृत बैंकों की नेट सर्विस का उपयोग करते हैं ! तो आप घर बैठे ही अपना पी.पी.एफ अकाउंट खोलने के लिये आवेदन कर सकते हैं !
Online PPF Account Opening Process Step #1.
ऑनलाइन पी.पी.एफ. अकाउंट खोलने के लिये सबसे पहले आपको अपने नेट बैंकिंग पोर्टल पर लॉग अपना यूज़र आई.डी. और पासवर्ड डालकर लॉग इन करना होगा !
इसके बाद आपको सर्विसेज के ऑप्शन्स में जाकर ओपन पी.पी.एफ. अकाउंट पर क्लिक करना है ! क्लिक करते ही आपके सामने PPF Account का सेक्शन ओपन हो जाएगा !
PPF Account के सेक्शन पर आपको दो विकल्प देखने को शो हो जायेंगे -First – Self Account और Secound – minor Account
अगर आप स्वयं के लिए अपना पी.पी.एफ अकाउंट खोल रहे हैं तो आपको सेल्फ वाले ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करना है !
इसके अलावा अगर आप नाबालिक के लिए PPF अकाउंट खोल रहे हैं ! तो आपको माइनर के ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करना है !
Online PPF Account Opening Process step #2.
ऑप्शन सेलेक्ट कर लेने के बाद आपको अपनी बैंकिंग जानकारियाँ और नॉमिनेशन सम्बन्धी जानकारियों को फिल कर लेना है !
जानकारियों के वेरीफाई हो जाने के बाद आपको अपने द्वारा जमा किये जाने वाले प्रारंभिक अंशदान जितने भी अमाउंट से आप इस खाते को खोलना चाहते हैं उस राशि को फिल करना है !
बैंक द्वारा आपको ऑटो डेबिट सर्विस को इनेबल करने का भी ऑप्शन मिल जाता है ! अगर इस सर्विस को आपके द्वारा इनेबल कर लिया जाता है ! तो हर बार आपको प्रीमियम जमा करने की आवश्यकता नहीं पड़ती है बैंक द्वारा स्वतः प्रीमियम काट लिया जाता है !
ऑटो प्रीमियम इनेबल कर लेने के बाद आपको रिकवेस्ट ओ.टी.पी. के ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करना है ! जिसके बाद आपके रजिस्टर्ड मोबाइल नंबर पर ओ.टी.पी. आ जाएगा !
Online PPF Account Opening Process step #3.
डिटेल्स और ओ.टी.पी. का सक्सेसफुली वेरिफिकेशन हो जाने के बाद आपका पी.पी.एफ. अकाउंट सक्सेसफुली ओपन हो जाता है !
अकाउंट ओपन हो जाने के बाद आपको अपने अकाउंट नंबर को भविष्य के रेफरेंस के लिए सेव कर के रख लेना है! जिससे की भविष्य में आप अपने पी.पी.एफ अकाउंट को एक्सेस कर पायेंगे !
कुछ बैंकों द्वारा अकाउंट रेफरेंस नंबर के साथ आपके द्वारा फिल की गयी डिटेल्स की हार्ड कॉपी आपको अपने kyc दस्तावेजों के साथ बैंक में जमा करने के लिए बोला जाता है ! जिसके बाद बैंक द्वारा आपकी डिटेल्स को रिवेरिफाई करने के बाद आपका पी.पी.एफ. अकाउंट ओपन कर दिया जाता है !
पी.पी.एफ अकाउंट ओपन करने की प्रक्रिया बैंकों के आधार पर अलग-अलग हो सकती है ! इसके लिये आपको आवेदन करने से पूर्व जानकारी को हासिल कर लेना होगा !
Offline PPF Account Opening Process :
ऑफलाइन माध्यम से अगर आप PPF अकाउंट को ओपन करना चाहते हैं तो इसके लिए आपको अपने निकटतम बैंक ब्रांच अथवा पोस्ट ऑफिस में विजिट करना पड़ेगा ! जहाँ से आपको अकाउंट ओपनिंग फॉर्म उपलब्ध करा दिया जाएगा ! फॉर्म में आपको अपनी सभी जानकारियों को दर्ज करना होगा ! जानकारियों को दर्ज कर लेने के बाद आपको सम्बंधित दस्तावेजों जैसे की aadhar card pan card voter ID Driving License के साथ फॉर्म को बैंक अथवा पोस्ट ऑफिस में जमा करना पड़ेगा जिसके बाद आपका PPF अकाउंट ओपन कर दिया जाएगा !
फॉर्म में आपको किन किन जानकारियों को भरना है ! इसके लिए PPF अकाउंट ओपनिंग फॉर्म का प्रारूप निचे दिया जा रहा है जहाँ से आप यह पता लगा सकते हैं ! कि आपको किन-किन जानकारियों को फॉर्म में फिल करना होगा !
Online PPF Account Balance Checking Process :
निवेश और बचत योजना पी.पी.एफ के अंतर्गत खुलने वाले पी.पी.एफ खाते का अगर आपको बैलेंस चेक करना है तो आपको निम्नलिखित स्टेप्स को फॉलो करना पड़ेगा ! इसके लिये यह जरुरी है कि आप नेट बैंकिंग का इस्तेमाल करते हों तभी आप ऑनलाइन माध्यम से अपना PPF Account Balance चेक कर पायेंगे !
यूज़र आई.डी. और पासवर्ड डालकर सबसे पहले आपको PPF अकाउंट में लॉग इन करना होगा !
लॉग इन करने के बाद आपको चेक अकाउंट बैलेंस का ऑप्शन शो होगा !
चेक अकाउंट बैलेंस के ऑप्शन पर जाने के बाद आपको अपना पासवर्ड फिल करना होगा और प्रोसीड तो चेक पर क्लिक करना होगा !
प्रोसीड होने के बाद आपका PPF Account Balance आपको आपकी स्क्रीन पर शो हो जाएगा !
Offline PPF Account Balance Checking Process :
अगर आपने अपना खाता PPF स्कीम के अंतर्गत अपना PPF खाता बैंक अथवा पोस्ट ऑफिस में खुलवा रखा है ! तो आप ऑफलाइन अपनी PPF खाते की पासबुक को बैंक अथवा पोस्ट ऑफिस से प्रिंट कराकर अपना वर्तमान PPF Balance चेक कर सकते हैं ! इसके लिये आपको अपने निकटतम बैंक ब्रांच अथवा पोस्ट ऑफिस में विजिट करना पड़ेगा !
इसके अलावा अगर आप चाहे तो अपना वार्षिक अकाउंट स्टेटमेंट भी बैंक से आवेदन कर के प्राप्त कर सकते हैं इस माध्यम से भी आपको आपका PPF अकाउंट बैलेंस पता चल जाएगा ! कुछ बैंकों द्वारा ऑटो पासबुक अपडेट के लिए मशीनें भी लगायी गयी हैं जिसमें की आप खुद ही अपनी पासबुक को प्रिंट कर पायेंगे !
बैलेंस के साथ साथ आप अपने द्वारा की गयी निकासियों का भी पता यहाँ से लगा सकते हैं ! की आपके द्वारा कितना पैसा कब कब अग्रिम निकासी के रूप में निकला गया है और कितना पैसा जमा किया गया है !
PPF Account Balance Withdrawal Process :
PPF Withdrawal Method & Process : बचत एवं निवेश योजना पी.पी.एफ. के अंतर्गत इन्वेस्टमेंट मेच्योरिटी पीरियड 15 वर्ष निर्धारित किया गया है ! यानी की इस स्कीम के तहत 15 वर्ष पूरे हो जाने के बाद ही आप अपने द्वारा जमा की गयी राशि की निकासी कर पायेंगे ! मगर फिर भी आवश्यकता और इमरजेंसी जैसी परिस्थितियों में आप अपने PPF फंड से निकासी कर सकते हैं !
PPF फण्ड से विड्रावल निकासी करने के नियम :
आपातकालीन स्थितियों में पी.पी.एफ फंड से निकासी की जा सकती है !
आवश्यकता पड़ने पर प्रति वर्ष आंशिक निकासी यानी की थोड़े पैसों की निकासी की जा सकती है !
आपके द्वारा आंशिक निकासी फॉर्म C को भरकर ही की जा सकती है !
निकासी करने के लिए आपको बैंक को एक डिक्लेरेशन फॉर्म भी सबमिट करना पड़ता है जिसमें इस बात का उल्लेख करना आवश्यक है कि उस वर्ष में आपके द्वारा कोई भी अतिरिक्त निकासी नहीं की गयी है !
निकासी अगर नाबालिक बच्चे के लिये की जा रही है ! तब भी अभिभावकों को एक डिक्लेरेशन फॉर्म बैंक को सबमिट करना पड़ता है ! जिसमें यह स्पस्ट करना पड़ता है कि निकासी नाबालिक के सम्बन्ध में की जा रही है जो कि अभी भी नाबालिक है और वर्तमान में जीवित है !
वित्तीय वर्ष के अंत में उपलब्ध कुल जमा राशि का 50% हिस्सा अग्रिम निकासी के रूप में निकाला जा सकता है !
फॉर्म C के साथ साथ निकासी के लिए पास बुक कॉपी को भी जमा करना पड़ता है !
जिस भी वर्ष में आपको निकासी करनी है आप चाहे तो उसके पिछले वित्तीय वर्ष में उपलब्ध राशि पर भी निकासी कर सकते है अथवा उस वर्ष से चार साल पहले उपलब्ध राशि पर भी निकासी कर सकते हैं यह आपकी इच्छा और जरुरत पर निर्भर करता है !
पी.पी.एफ अकाउंट पर लोन कैसे प्राप्त करें (PPF Loan) :
बात करें अगर लोन की तो PPF आपको कुछ शर्तों पर लोन की सुविधा प्रदान करता है ! यानी की अगर आपका पी.पी.एफ अकाउंट खुला है और आपके द्वारा निरंतर समय पर अकाउंट में अंशदान राशि क्रेडिट की जाती रहती है ! तो 3 वर्ष की अवधि के पूरा हो जाने के बाद अपने PPF Account पर लोन की सुविधा का लाभ प्राप्त कर सकते हैं ! इसके लिए आपको बैंक के थ्रू apply करना पड़ता है ! अप्लाई करने के बाद बैंक द्वारा आपकी डिटेल्स को वेरीफाई करके आपके खाते में कुल जमा राशि का लगभग 25% हिस्सा बैंक द्वारा लोन के रूप में आपको प्रदान कर दिया जाता है ! पी.पी.एफ लोन की कुछ विशेषताएं निम्न हैं –
खाते में उपलब्ध कुल जमा के 25% हिस्से तक का लोन आवेदनकर्ता को दिया जाता है !
अगर आप PPF लोन अप्लाई करते हैं तो आपको 2% अधिक ब्याज देना पड़ता है !
खाता खोलने के बाद तीन वर्ष पूरे हो जाने के बाद सिर्फ 3 वर्ष से 6 वर्ष के मध्य ही PPF लोन लिया जा सकता है !
बैंक द्वारा PPF लोन प्राप्त करने के लिये आपको फॉर्म D फिल करना पड़ता है !
जिस भी वर्ष में आप PPF लोन अप्लाई करेंगे उसके पिछले वर्ष में उपलब्ध कुल जमा राशि के 25% तक के हिस्से का लोन आपको दिया जाता है !
PPF Interest Calculator :
दोस्तों PPF पर ब्याज की गणना 7.1% की दर से की जाती है पी.पी.एफ चक्रिवृद्धि ब्याज प्रदान करने वाली स्कीम है ! पी.पी.एफ के अंतर्गत किसी भी महीने के लिए ब्याज की गणना करते हुए उस माह की 5 तारीख़! अथवा उससे पहले किये गये इन्वेस्टमेंट को ध्यान में रखकर ही ब्याज की गणना की जाती है !
महीने की 5 तारीख के बाद किये गए इन्वेस्टमेंट को अगले माह के इंटरेस्ट कैलकुलेशन में शामिल किया जाता है ! इसीलिए इस बात पर जोर दिया जाता है की आप अपना इन्वेस्टमेंट 5 तारीख से पहले पहले कर दें जिससे की आपको वर्तमान माह में जमा की गयी धनराशि पर भी ब्याज मिल सके !

पी.पी.एफ खाता कैसे ट्रांसफ़र करें (PPF Account Transfer):
अगर आपने भी अपना PPF खाता किसी बैंक अथवा पोस्ट ऑफिस में खुलवा रखा है ! तो यह खबर आपके लिये जानने वाली है कि आप अपने PPF Account को कैसे और कहाँ कहाँ ट्रांसफ़र करा सकते है ! जिससे की कई बार जब आपका ट्रांसफ़र अन्य राज्यों में हो जाता है या फिर जब आप स्थायी रूप से किसी अन्य राज्य में रहने लगते हैं ! तब आपको अपना PPF Account ट्रांसफ़र कराने के लिये किसी भी असुविधा का सामना न करना पड़े !
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Download Zen Flip Clock Application Free 2021
Download Zen Flip Clock Application Free 2021
A flip clock (also known as a “flap clock”) is an electro mechanical, digital timekeeping device with the time indicated by numbers that are sequentially revealed by a split-flap display. The study, collection, and repair of flip clocks are termed horopa lettology [From horology – The study and measurement of time and palette – from the Italian “Oro logio a palette” – Italian for “flip clock”]. People interested in the collection, restoration, buying, and selling of flip clocks are known as horopalettologists. Keep visiting GujaratRojgar.In for educational application update.

Application Using Steps :-
Tap hour label to switch 24/12 time format.
Tap weekday label to toggle weekday.
Tap seconds label to toggle second.
Swipe up to settings.
Swipe left to Pomodoro.
Daylight Saving Time :-Many vintage digital clocks with split-flap displays cannot be wound back, as the flip mechanism operates only in one direction. Instead, they must be either wound forward 23 hours to achieve the effect of winding back 1 hour at the end of daylight saving time or the clock may be stopped (by disconnecting it from power) for 1 hour. However, on some newer clocks, forward and backward time setting is possible. GE clocks sometimes had this feature.
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Co-WIN app : Ministry of Health launches Co-WIN app, vaccination will be done only after registration here.
Co-WIN app : Ministry of Health launches Co-WIN app, vaccination will be done only after registration here.
Co-WIN app : Ministry of Health launches Co-WIN app, vaccination will be done only after registration here.
Ministry of Health launches Co-WIN app, vaccination will be done only after registration here.
The Co-WIN app app will assistance in real-time monitoring of vaccine delivery.
Through the app, the government will be able to keep the data of vaccinated people safe.
The year 2021 begins with the good news of the covid vaccine. Covishield and covacin vaccines have been approved. The Co-WIN app will launching by the Union Ministry of Health to deliver the vaccine to the people. Moreover this app will help in real time monitoring of vaccine delivery. Through the app, the government will be able to keep the data of vaccinated people safe.
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Vaccination will be done after registration on this app. However, the app is currently not available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store. According to some reports, the production work of the Co-WIN app has not been completed yet.
What is the Co-WIN app?
Co-WIN (Covid-19 Vaccine Intelligence Network) is an upgraded version of eVIN (Electronic Vaccine Intelligence Network). Once the application is completing, it will be available for free on Play Store and App Store. The Ministry of Health has clarified that corona vaccination will take place in 3 phases.
હવે આટલા વર્ષ સુધીના બાળકો માટે વેક્સિન ને આપી મંજૂરી તા.૨૧/૦૨/૨૦૨૨ જોવા માટે……અહી ક્લિક કરો
The vaccine will giving to frontline professionals in the first phase. Moreover people involved in emergency services in the second phase. As well as people with serious conditions in the third phase.
COVID Certificate is the official app for storing and presenting Swiss COVID certificates. It is developed by the Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication FOITT on behalf of the Federal Office of Public Health.
In Switzerland, people who have been vaccinated, or who have tested negative or recovered from COVID can apply for a COVID certificate.
COVID certificates are issued in hard copy or electronic format serve as proof of:1. Vaccination against COVID-19
2. Recovery from Sars-CoV-2 infection
3. A negative result following Sars-CoV-2 test analysis
You should simply save the MyGOV Coro Helpdesk WhatsApp number to your cell phone. This number is 9013151515.
Presently You Can Download MyGov Corona Certificate Helpdesk WhatsApp Chatbot
Subsequent to saving the number, open WhatsApp.
Then, at that point, go to the visit rundown and quest for contacts.
Open the talk box of that number and type the download declaration here.
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The WhatsApp chatbox will then, at that point, send a six digit OTP to your enlisted portable number
અહીંથી મેળવો વેક્સિન લિધાનું સર્ટીફિકેટ તમારા વોટ્સએપમા
ડાઉનલોડ સર્ટિફિકેટ ટાઈપ કરો.
ત્યાર બાદ વોટ્સએપ ચેટબોક્સ તમારા રજીસ્ટર્ડ મોબાઈલ નંબર પર સિક્સ ડિજિટ OTP સેન્ડ કરશે.
OTPને ચેક કરો અને એન્ટર કરો.
ત્યાર બાજ ચેટબોક્સ તમારા વોટ્સએપ પર કોરોના વેક્સિન સર્ટિફિકેટ સેન્ડ કરશે. અહીંથી તમે તેને ડાઉનલોડ કરી શકો છો.
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GSERC Grant in aid School (Secondary & Higher Secondary ) Shikshan Sahayak Recruitment 2021
GSERC Grant in aid School (Secondary & Higher Secondary ) Shikshan Sahayak Recruitment 2021 Apply Online Job Vacancies 2021 @ https://www.gserc.in
GSERC Grant in aid School (Secondary & Higher Secondary ) Shikshan Sahayak Recruitment 2021 Apply Online Job Vacancies 2021 @ https://www.gserc.in
ભરતીનું જાહેરનામું પ્રસિદ્ધ

GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Recruitment 2020-21, Gujarat State Education Recruitment Board GSERC has released the GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Recruitment 2020-21 – jobs in Gujarat online Notification on the official website.
GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Recruitment 2020-21 @ http://gserb.orpgujarat.com jobs in Gujarat online Notification: – Gujarat State Education Recruitment Board (GSERC) has invited the online application form for the posts of the Shikshan Sahayak. The official board has released the vacancies for the Shikshan Sahayak. Candidates may check the official notification of the GSERC.
GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Recruitment 2021 Free Job alert for both Fresher and Experienced Candidates updated on Dec 20. Get Direct Official Link for applying GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Recruitment 2021 along with current GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Recruitment official Notification 2021 here. Find all recent GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Vacancy 2021 across India and check all the latest GSERC Shikshan Sahayak 2021 job openings instantly here, Know upcoming GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Recruitment 2021 immediately here.
Last Modified: 27-07-2021
GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Recruitment 2021 vacancies will be updated here. Job openings for GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Recruitment 2021 will be released by the officials. We will update the detailed information of GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Recruitment 2021 soon on this page. Job seekers who would like to know the updates of GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Recruitment 2021 can check here. Get the entire details of https://www.gserc.in Shikshan Sahayak Recruitment 2021 by reading this page further. You can Check all Latest Sarkari Result Updates of All Central Government Jobs and State Government Jobs.
From the official notification, you can get about the academic qualification, age limit, age relaxation, exam fee, total vacancies, selection process, how to apply and others.
Here we also provide the official link to access the GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Recruitment 2020-21 jobs in Gujarat. Candidates stay connects with us for the latest updates related to the GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Recruitment 2020-21 jobs in Gujarat.
Vacancies in GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Posts 2020-21 Online Application Form Vigyapti
Here we also provide the Gujarat State Education Recruitment Board GSERC official advertisement to access this recruitment. The GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Online Application Form has released form 2020-21. Eligible contenders can apply the GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Online Application Form before the last date.
GSERC website

And the closing date of the GSERB Shikshan Sahayak Online Application Form submission is before the last date. You can apply GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Application Form via online mode. The official website of the Gujarat State Education Recruitment Board (GSERC) is https://www.gserc.in/.
GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Bharti Form 2020-21 latest Gujarat Shikshan Sahayak Vacancies
Name of the Department: – Gujarat State Education Recruitment Board GSERC
Official website: – https://www.gserc.in/
Article Category: – GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Recruitment 2020-21 jobs in Gujarat online Notification
Post Name: – Shikshan Sahayak
Total vacancies: –
Online Application Form Release Date: –
Last Date: –
Eligibility Criteria for GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Recruitment 2020-21
Educational Qualification: – Entrants must have passed the Graduation degree from a recognized University or Institution.
Age Limit: – No Age Limit
Selection Process: -= the selection of the contenders based on the performance in the
Written examination
Personal interview
Application Fee: – Candidates, please visit the official notification for the application fee.
Salary/ Pay Scale/ Stipend: – visit the official notification
Click here for the: – GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Recruitment 2020-21 online Application Form
How to apply for GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Recruitment 2020-21 jobs in Gujarat online Notification
Candidates may log in the official website of the GSERC
Go to the recruitment link
Fill up the all the details in it
Make the online payment
Click on the submit button
Take a hard copy of the online application form
To know more about the GSERC Shikshan Sahayak Recruitment 2020-21 jobs in Gujarat online Notification candidates, please visit the official portal of the department.
Thanks for visit
Candidates, please share this information on social networking sites.
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ગ્રાન્ટેડ માધ્યમિક શિક્ષણ સહાયક ભરતી
શાળા ફાળવણી લીસ્ટ અહિથી ડાઉનલોડ કરો
માધ્યમિક શિક્ષણ સહાયક ભરતી weiting લિસ્ટ
Upadet 06-08-2021
ગ્રાન્ટેડ માધ્યમિક ભરતી અન્યવે જિલ્લા વાઇસ કુલ ઉમેદવારોની સંખ્યા ...હાજર ઉમેદવારોની સંખ્યા ..અને ગેરહાજર ઉમેદવારોની સંખ્યા નું લિસ્ટ
ઓફિશિયલ વેબસાઈટ ઉપર જવા અહી ક્લિક કરો