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Wednesday 16 February 2022

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Education News 19 February

વેકેશન અને પરીક્ષાઓની તારીખ અંગે નો લેટર અહીંથી વાંચો

*🔥શિક્ષકોના પુરા પગાર  અન્વયે  કેમ્પનું આયોજન કરવા બાબત🔥*

Since its inception about fifty years ago, D&O insurance has evolved into a family of products responding differently to the needs of publicly traded companies, privately held businesses and not-for-profit entities and their respective board members, officers and trustees.

Directors' & Officers' Liability, Executive Liability or Management Liability insurance are essentially interchangeable terms. However, insuring agreements, definitions, exclusions and coverage options vary materially depending upon the type of policyholder being insured and the insurer underwriting the risk. Executive Liability insurance, once considered a necessity solely for publicly traded companies, particularly due to their exposure to shareholder litigation, has become recognized as an essential part of a risk transfer program for privately held companies and not-for-profit organizations.

Optimization of protection is a common goal shared by all types of organizations. In our opinion, the best way to achieve that objective is through engagement of highly experienced insurance, legal and financial advisors who work collaboratively with management to continually assess and treat these specialized enterprise risk exposures.

Private Company D&O Exposures

In 2005, Chubb Insurance Group, one of the largest underwriters of D&O insurance, conducted a survey of the D&O insurance purchasing trends of 450 private companies. A significant percentage of respondents gave the following reasons for not purchasing D&O insurance:
• did not see the need for D&O insurance,
• their D&O liability risk was low,
• thought D&O risk is covered under other liability policies

The companies responding as non-purchasers of D&O insurance experienced at least one D&O claim in the five years preceding the survey. Results showed that private companies with 250 or more employees, were the subject of D&O litigation during the preceding five years and 20% of companies with 25 to 49 employees, experienced a D&O claim.

The survey revealed 43% of D&O litigation was brought by customers, 29% from regulatory agencies, and 11% from non-publicly traded equity securities holders. The average loss reported by the private companies was $380,000. Companies with D&O insurance experienced an average loss of $129,000. Companies without D&O insurance experienced an average loss of $480,000.

Some Common Examples of Private Company D&O Claims

• Major shareholder led buy-outs of minority shareholders alleging misrepresentations of the company's fair market value
• purchaser of a company or its assets alleging misrepresentation
• sale of company assets to entities controlled by the majority shareholder
• creditors' committee or bankruptcy trustee claims
• private equity investors and lenders' claims
• vendors alleging misrepresentation in connection with an extension of credit
• consumer protection and privacy claims

Private Company D&O Policy Considerations

Executive Liability insurance policies for privately held companies typically provide a combination or package of coverage that includes, but may not be limited to: Directors' & Officers' Liability, Employment Practices Liability, ERISA Fiduciary Liability and Commercial Crime/ Fidelity insurance.

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મોદી સરકારે પેંશનના નિયમોમાં કર્યા મોટા ફેરફાર, જાણીને થઇ જશો ખુશખુશાલ! કેન્દ્ર સરકારના કર્મચારીઓ માટે

હરખના સમાચાર : હોળી પહેલા વધશે કેન્દ્રીય કર્મચારીઓનો પગાર ! મળી શકે આટલો વધારો

મહામારી / લોકોને મોટી રાહત : દેશમાં કોરોના ડાઉન, હરિયાણામાં તમામ પ્રતિબંધો હટાવવાની જાહેરાત

લેટેસ્ટ અપડેટ 17/02/22

કોર કમિટી ની બેઠકમાં નિર્ણય

મુખ્ય મંત્રી ભૂપેન્દ્ર પટેલ ના અધ્યક્ષ સ્થાને મળેલી કોર કમિટી ની બેઠકમાં રાજ્યમાં કોરોના સંક્રમણ નિયંત્રણ સ્થિતિ ની સમીક્ષા હાથ ધરીને કેટલાક નિયંત્રણો હળવા કરવાનો નિર્ણય લેવામાં આવ્યો છે.આરોગ્ય મંત્રી  ઋષિકેશ પટેલ,ગૃહ રાજ્ય મંત્રી હર્ષ સંઘવી તેમજ મુખ્ય સચિવ પંકજ કુમાર ,ગૃહ વિભાગ ના અધિક મુખ્ય સચિવ  રાજકુમાર અને વરિષ્ઠ સચિવો આ બેઠકમાં સહભાગી થયા હતા

સાતમાં પગારપંચના બીજા હપ્તાની ચુકવણી કરવા બાબત
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