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Friday 11 February 2022

Kriyatmak sanshodhan online course join link useful for all


Kriyatmak sanshodhan online course join link useful for all

Kriyatmak sanshodhan online course join link useful for all

If anyone is most unhappy in the world, then he is dissatisfied.  It is because of dissatisfaction that man commits sin and low conduct.  Even all the things of the world together cannot satisfy a human being, only contentment can keep him happy.

One thing to know absolutely that even after getting the pleasures of the whole world on the strength of money you will remain unsatisfied.  Emptiness, sadness, nostalgia, unrest will not leave you.  A slave of hope will always be disappointed.

Once you believe in Shri Krishna, you will not have to wander from door to door like an animal.  There will be an experience of grace even in the absence and every moment there will be an experience of bliss.

Live for Vasudev, not for the subject.  And yes money is the need of life, never the purpose, no one has been satisfied with it till date.


️ Those who do evil to others in front of you, understanding the truth, surely those people will also do evil to you to others.  It is not only wrong to do bad, but it is also wrong to hear bad.  Therefore, doing bad is fatal and hearing bad is sin.  Try to avoid both.

Pollution of thoughts is that pollution which is not possible even for science to eradicate.  The reason for this is our habits which start taking interest in hearing someone's evil. Listening to evil is like choosing evil because when we like to hear evil then evil starts automatically entering our life.

What we hear and see every day, we also start to happen.  Therefore, there is definitely a need to be careful from those people who have become fond of doing evil to others.

Whatever you do with your company, your color will rise.

Let's get rid of the misconceptions we have about si
  At present many teachers do not have enough understanding about the workings of school inspectors, so here are some facts that can solve the questions that arise in their minds.
1) If you want to take a photo or video of your class work, you have to get permission.
2) You can also put the whole half cl during the multiplication without any special approval.
3) If you can't answer any personal questions about yourself,
4) If no question of your subject can be asked to you, it is sent to evaluate the school, not yours, so remember that you are a qualified teacher and have fulfilled the conditions of recruitment norm, any equation, any example, any biological or any historical question.  The answer is he can't do it with you.
5) The principal cannot ask such questions as to whose leave was granted and when, he only has to check whether there is a difference between online attendance and actual attendance on that day.
6) si can't stay in your class for more than an hour.  Which means it's about to be the most delusional time of the year, as well.
7) si is to guide the entire staff at the beginning of the quotient how to evaluate.
8) Si cannot interfere in the school routine process, let alone run your school which is to be evaluated by si.
9) If this is not the case with the teacher, then I can't argue that I have come to love Nai Chalavi, all he has to do is look at the defect or the good thing he sees and send it in his field note and checklist.
10) Si is never given a school adoption, so they cannot come to a school repeatedly in the name of adoption.
11) When Gunotsav is closed, Si is in charge of the diet and he has to do the work of handing over the diet.
12) If there is a teacher / principal after all, no such record is made in his service book.
13) When he is on cl he also has to write cl report like us and get it approved by tpeo and give it to the principal of his mother school so that he can take leave on that day.
14) For the function of si you should watch Gunotsav 2.0 program on initiation.
15) For the good of our school we should try our best to show our good work without any haw, we should keep our lesson planning and unit test organized and our creative sheet should be updated and daily book should be filled regularly.  If we are on leave on the day of meritocracy, our forms should be available to fellow employees.
16) This information has been prepared for the purpose of removing the haunt of meritocracy in the minds of the teachers and preparing them for the best grades of their school in a healthy manner.
17) Soon Si Shree's tenure ends in May 22, so there is a possibility of examination. If you also want to become a school inspector, you can make preparations.

A thing becomes impure as soon as it believes in itself, it becomes pure and divine as soon as it obeys God.  Similarly, when you consider yourself distant and separate from the Lord, you become impure.

Remember the Lord every moment and consider Him as yours.  This will show the attachment towards them.  The divine qualities begin to manifest themselves as soon as you take shelter of the Lord from the heart.

️ A small child does a mother-mother.  His goal, attention, faith is not on the word mother but on the relation of mother.  The power is not in the word mother, it is in relation to the mother.  Similarly, the power is in relation to the Lord, not in the utterance.


મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક

GCERT દ્વારા ક્રિયાત્મક સંશોધન ના અભ્યાસ માટે 10 સર્ટિફિકેટ કોર્સ શરૂ કરવામાં આવેલ છે જેની લિંક નીચે આપેલ છે.

(1) એક્શન રિસર્ચ: શૈક્ષણિક સંશોધનની સંકલ્પના

(2) એકશન રિસર્ચઃ ક્રિયાત્મક સંશોધનની સંકલ્પના

(3) ક્રિયાત્મક સંશોધનનું મહત્વ અને મર્યાદાઓ

(4) ક્રિયાત્મક સંશોધન - સમસ્યાની ઓળખ

(5) સંશોધન યોજના

(6) ક્રિયાત્મક સંશોધન - માહિતીનું એકત્રીકરણ

(7) ક્રિયાત્મક સંશોધન - વ્યક્તિ અભ્યાસ

(8) ક્રિયાત્મક સંશોધન- અર્થઘટનો, તારણો અને ફલિતાર્થો

(9) ક્રિયાત્મક સંશોધન- અહેવાલ લેખન

(10) ક્રિયાત્મક સંશોધન- સંશોધન દરખાસ્તની સંરચના

Kriyatmak sanshodhan online course join link useful for all

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