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Saturday 26 February 2022

Mission smile yojana for children


Mission smile yojana for children

 Mission smile yojana for children

Right to Education Jarnashia Abhiyan said that from this village Gujarat School Education Council State Project Director's Office, Samagra Shiksha, Sector-12, Gandhinagar, PIN-2018, Phone, 07-217 Email: Toll Free Na.  1800-233-7965 wok wel Jayashree Devangan, IAS AD.  State Project Director Aam Shiksha, Gujarat, Number: Samagra Shiksha ASPD / 309 ~ ૭૨૨૩ dated 6.05.203, District Education Officer / Dvikar), District Project Coordinator and District Education Officer's Office, District Primary Education Officer, Dist.  All Dist.  All === Subject: Free Surgery on Children's Cut Lips and Cut Palate (Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate and other facial deformitles).  

According to the above subject, free surgery is performed on the cleft lip and cleft palate and other facial deformities of children under 'Mission Smile' by Vadodara Central, Sarabhai Campus, Vadodara, behind Isha Hospital, Atlantis.  For this, a camp has been organized for free pediatric surgery at the above hospital from 15th March 209 to 15th March 206 this year.  

So the list of children studying in the schools of your district who have left lip or cleft palate surgery or need more corrective surgery even after having this type of operation before is obtained by the school teachers from the head teachers.  All BRCs to be sent to this hospital by the co-ordinator.  / C.R.C.  Sp, educators and teachers of IEDSS are also requested to make necessary arrangements through them and disseminate through social media (WhatsApp etc.) to inform all the needy children and parents about this matter.

For more information contact Dr. at Isha Hospital.  Please contact Varun Ramchandra (Mo. 2060, email  J an Z [+3) Ter (Jayshree Dewangan) Complimentary information to send copy: 1. Hon.  State Project Director, Head Office [11] 5} NCERT Copy sent: 1. Deputy Director, R.M.S.A.  , Total Education, Head Office 2. District IED  Co-ordinator, all ... to do all the planning on the above matter as well as all the sp.  Good to associate educators and teachers of IEDSS and 555 swamina seva apo

For more details click here

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