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Thursday 9 June 2022




When there was East Pakistan and West Pakistan, West Pakistan made Urdu stumble upon East Pakistan i.e. present day Bangladesh ... Fans of Bangla language did not like this and there was a huge movement for local language. There were also shootings and deaths in the language movement. World Mother Language Day is celebrated by UNESCO in remembrance of the love expressed today for the mother tongue ...
We have to talk differently, to understand the importance of mother tongue. In a sense, mother tongue is the language that touches our heart that takes us to nature ...
What if a man wanted to be happy after the Coronation Age experience? Let's remember the European philosopher Russo today ....
Circumstances helped Russo become a philosopher. Twice spoiled, after doing all the dirty business, I realized the knowledge ...
Experienced Russo often said that no matter how much man progresses, he must return to nature. Does man seem to improve even in the age of corona?
Nature never has inequality, sins or slavery ... Nature has happiness and prosperity, nature has no rich poor ...
Rousseau believed that children should be taught in a way that they can understand through natural means such as bushes, fruits, rain, cold, heat, sun, stars.
Rousseau strongly objected to the teacher punishing the children for studying in the school .... Anyway .... Who was this Rousseau? Why did he become a nature lover? Why would a scholar like Osho often remember Russo? Russo had only one plus point ..... that was his life and bad experiences of life ....
Jean-Jacques Rousseau was born in Geneva, Europe, in 1712, and his mother died at birth. Russo grew up on the support of his father and Foina. Rousseau gets angry and resentful at home instead of love. In this situation Rousseau got into a dirty habit of reading dirty literature .... yes, reading was accurate but nasty ...
Reading Dirty Literature for the Change found two good books from his grandfather's collection, Rousseau read it too ... Gradually Rousseau became interested in good literature ....
Rousseau suddenly moved to Mosal, a village called Bosi. Forests around the village .... For the first time Russo had fun enjoying nature. Rousseau was punished without any guilt in Bosi, rebellious mind was born .... He realized that man's happiness is only in the midst of nature .... Nature never insults.
Russo returned to Geneva. Wrong habits started falling again ... Nary exploitation and insults by his boss if he got a job .... Bored Rousseau started roaming the hills again, then gentleness started entering the mind ... Based on experiences Rousseau started believing that if you want to be a good man then nature Should go near.
Rousseau fell in love with a very handsome girl named Warren at the age of nineteen, got married but Warren was stubborn ... In short became a philosopher.
Rousseau left Varens and came to Paris, found a young woman named Theresa in Paris, also defiant ... maybe it would be customary to become a philosopher only if he found a defiant wife? Our Rusobhai started writing regularly, mince thinking.
Rousseau wrote a book called The Social Contract, which differs in the philosophy of the modern world. Russo became famous all over the world. The French government saw a revolt in the book.
Russo wrote a book on education called Emil, returned to Paris and died in poverty ....
Rousseau believed from the experiences of nature that man is a part of God, love nature rather than worship falsely ... which is the knowledge of Vedas.
According to Rousseau, the power of distance will come out only if man should allow his natural development. For teaching practice, Rousseau believed that there was no such thing as self-experience. The question is, what does nature mean by Russo?
Rousseau believed that nature means trees, animals, forests, agriculture, lakes, rivers, even mountains ... what about mankind?
Rousseau believed that the coexistence of man with nature was of paramount importance, the social relations of man, his behavior and the language which man could easily understand .... Mins mother tongue.
Our mother tongue can understand nature .....
There will be many languages ​​of knowledge in the world but there is only one language in the heart, in which friends are sifted, joked or taken close to nature.
The fun of writing or thinking poetry comes only from the mother tongue in our minds. Alas, the fun of dreaming in a deep sleep comes only in the mother tongue ......
Elsewhere, a survey was released by the National Geographic Society and the Living Tongues Institute for Adult Languages, according to which one language disappears from the world every fortnight.
The question is not about this language, but with language knowledge, folklore, history, vocabulary, culture and heritage are destroyed ....

Language arises from sounds, words, sentences and their meanings. Linguistics includes phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics.
In 1784, a British judge named William Jones, while lecturing in Calcutta, stated that there was some connection between languages ​​like Greek, Persian, Sanskrit, Latin, English. For the first time since this speech, a study on the relation of languages ​​has begun.
Language is a system for mankind. Scientific analysis is the study of systems. The system of studying system from language went into mathematics, the word system first came into vogue. The word system came with the word system and the word system and method became prevalent in the study and research of many subjects all over the world.
From these two words language gave a new scientific subject: structure. Structure became the currency of all twentieth century research.
Noam Chomsky discovered a gene in the human body called the Focus P2, which was responsible for the transmission of language from generation to generation. This means that the baby is born with grammar software. According to new research, a child is born with a few rules and deciphers the rules of the language in which the development takes place and puts them in the software.
Scripts are needed to convey ideas, to keep them alive for a long time, or to express feelings ... from scratch to emoji ....
Nowadays the practice of writing is declining to such an extent that it is difficult to write two lines ... this is to write, repeat ... with pen and pencil ...
When it comes to writing, the script comes to mind ... Both the mythological scripts of India, Brahmi and Kharoshthi, are also believed to have originated in this land. The Chinese Hu N Sang took 657 books from India on twenty horses ... Mins the art of writing we developed there at that time.
The Brahmi script written from right to left is the story of Brahmaji giving a gift to mankind. Research has also been done on the relationship of Brahmi with Greek and foreign scripts.
The full Indian script Kharosthi written from left to right is also used in Greek, Kharosthi is also found in mythological coins. The inscriptions of Ashoka's Mansehra and Peshawar are in Kharoshthi script, the rest are Brahmi ...
The Kharoshthi script is said to have been invented by the Kharosht sage, who is also believed to have derived the word Kharoshthi from the Kharapost city script and the Iranian word.

Alas, we were talking about writing ... our Devanagari language .... According to the story of the citizens of Vadnagar, they have created the Devanagari script, it is also believed that the word Nagari came from the script of the towns
The Devanagari script, first seen in the fourth and fifth centuries and developed in the eighth and ninth centuries, was first used by the citizens.
Devanagari was prevalent even in Akbar's time, even Aurangzeb did not dare to tamper with Devanagari. In the time of Sher Shah, Devanagari script was introduced on coins. In the year 1897, petitions were filed in the courts for the use of Devanagari script. Gandhiji believed that Urdu should also be written in Devanagari script ....
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