Nearly 900 million rubles are planned to be allocated for the creation of the Russian- Chinese CR929 aircraft coming time

PJSC United Aircraft Corporation( UAC) coming time plans to allocate 897 million rubles for the creation of the Russian- Chinese passenger aircraft CR929. This is indicated in the draft budget for the coming three times.
Backing of the design “ wide- body long- haul aircraft ” is anticipated within the frame of the state program of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation. At the same time, it doesn't include the corresponding charges for 2024 and 2025.
The CR929 has been developed by the UAC in cooperation with the China Commercial Aviation Corporation( COMAC) for several times. Before the COVID- 19 epidemic, it was planned to organize the first test flight of the liner in 2023, and start deliveries to guests after 2025. But in July 2020, the also head of the UAC mercenary division, Ravil Khakimov, blazoned that the launch date for deliveries was being shifted to 2028- 2029. At that time, he noted, the design was going through the Gate- 3 stage – that is, the collection and analysis of proffers from suppliers of systems and assemblies to determine the final configuration of the aircraft.
In August of this time, UAC CEO Yuri Slyusar blazoned that work on the CR929 continues, but taking into account the consequences of the epidemic and the duty of new warrants against the Russian Federation the design will be streamlined. On September 15, COMAC Chief Scientist Wu Guanghui said that the perpetration of a common Russian- Chinese design to produce a long- range wide- body airliner CR929 is at the original stage of design.
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